eka=$(dmesg | tac | grep "FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to") toka=${eka#*"attached to "} kola=$(expr substr "$toka" 1 7) echo $kola if grep $kola ~/.arduino/preferences.txt ; then echo OK else sed -e "s/ttyUSB./$kola/" < ~/.arduino/preferences.txt > ~/.arduino/uus.txt rm ~/.arduino/old.txt mv ~/.arduino/preferences.txt ~/.arduino/old.txt mv ~/.arduino/uus.txt ~/.arduino/preferences.txt diff ~/.arduino/old.txt ~/.arduino/preferences.txt fi
#!/usr/bin/python import math,os,re def dr(x): y=x.replace("'"," ").replace("\xc2"," ").replace("\xb0"," ").split(" ") z=float(y[0])+float(y[2])/60 return z def Hc(lat,dec,LHA): return math.degrees(math.asin(math.sin(lat)*math.sin(dec)\ + math.cos(lat)*math.cos(dec)*math.cos(LHA))) lines=os.popen("java -classpath /usr/local/bin/CelestialComputer.jar main.Main").readlines() for line in lines: if re.search("GHA Sun",line): GHA=eval(line.split(" ")[6]) if re.search("DEC Sun",line): DEC=eval(line.split(" ")[7]) if re.search("SD Sun",line): SD=eval(line.replace("'"," ").split(" ")[6])/60. for line in lines: if re.search("GHAmoon",line): GHAmoon=dr(line.split(" ")[4]) if re.search("DECmoon",line): DECmoon=dr(line.split(" ")[5]) if re.search("SDmoon",line): SDmoon=eval(line.replace("'"," ").split(" ")[5])/60. def Hc(lat,dec,LHA): return math.degrees(math.asin(math.sin(lat)*math.sin(dec)\ + math.cos(lat)*math.cos(dec)*math.cos(LHA))) LAT=60.18 LON=24.93 print "LAT=%5.4f, LON=%5.4f"%(LAT,LON) print LHA=GHA-(360-LON) print "Sun: Hc=%5.4f, LHA=%5.4f, SD=%5.4f"\ %(Hc(math.radians(LAT),math.radians(DEC),math.radians(LHA)),360+LHA,SD) LHAmoon=GHAmoon-(360-LON) print "Moon: Hc=%5.4f, LHA=%5.4f, SD=%5.4f"\ %(Hc(math.radians(LAT),math.radians(DECmoon),math.radians(LHAmoon)),360+LHAmoon,SDmoon)
rm -f image-*.jpg ffmpeg -i $1 -f image2 -r 5 image-%03d.jpg convert image-*.jpg animation.gif
ffmpeg -i $1 -f image2 -r 5 image-%03d.jpg
#!/bin/bash # The "scale=4" allows for division to be carried out to 4 decimal places. # You can edit this to whatever length you wish to carry the division to. # I suggest putting an alias into your .bashrc file # Example: alias calc='sh /home/$USER/scripts/bashcalc.sh' # This allows for your bashcalc.sh script to operate from the shell # Example: # crouse@linux:~> calc 3.555+7.999 # 11.554 # crouse@linux:~> # Alternatively, you could also make this work system wide if you have # root access, you could put the script into /usr/bin/calc. Whichever method # you choose to use, don't forget to "chmod a+x" the script to make it executable. echo "scale=4; $1" | bc ;exit
# Kopioi PWD-hakemiston kaikki kamat Arg-hakemiston for x in $( ls ) ; do if [ -d $x ] ; then uusdir="$1/$x" apua=$( echo "$uusdir" | grep "//" ) if [ ! "$apua" = "" ] ; then echo $apua echo "EI LOPPU-SLASHIA, IDIOOTTI" exit fi if [ -a $uusdir ] ; then true ; else mkdir $uusdir; echo ; echo "MAKE === " $uusdir; sleep 2 echo fi pushd $x ; cp-Ruv-noko $uusdir ; popd ; elif [ -f $1/$x ] ; then true ; else echo "cp $x $1" ; cp $x $1 fi done
find . -name "*.$1" | while read fn; do echo Deleting "$fn" rm "$fn" done
display +backdrop -resize 320x240 -geometry 320x240+$2+$3 $1
emacs -nw "$@"
for x in *.JPG ; do name=$(exiftool -ModifyDate -s3 -d "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S" $x) mv $x "$name".jpg echo mv $x "$name".jpg done for x in *.jpg ; do if [[ $x == 2013* ]] ; then echo skippi else name=$(exiftool -ModifyDate -s3 -d "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S" $x) mv $x "$name".jpg echo mv $x "$name".jpg fi done for x in *.MP4 ; do name=$(exiftool -ModifyDate -s3 -d "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S" $x) mv $x "$name".mp4 echo mv $x "$name".mp4 done #sanity.pl *
mkdir zempo pushd zempo unzip ../"$1" echo lainausmerkit kuntoon grep -c "\’" *.html for x in *.html ; do sed "s/\`/\'/" $x > huis.html sed "s/\’/\'/" huis.html > $x rm huis.html done zip -r ../uus.epub * popd rm -R zempo
git commit $1 -m "Korjaus" git push echo use git add X if nothing moving
file=~/.local/share/applications/$1-noko.desktop echo [Desktop Entry] > $file echo Name=$1 >> $file echo Comment=noko-made >> $file echo Exec=$1 >> $file echo Terminal=false >> $file echo Icon=~/.local/share/icons/nokoicon.png >> $file echo Type=Application >> $file
while true ; do play -n -c1 synth 0:0:2 sin 15000 gain -30 sleep 200 done
rm tulos.avi mencoder "mf://*.JPG" -mf fps=10:w=1280:h=960 -o tulos.avi -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mjpeg mplayer tulos.avi
while [ 0 ] ; do for x in "Liv" "TV5" "DINA" "Jim" "Sub" "MTV3" "Nelonen" 10 11 16 "FOX" "AVA" "Kutonen" 26 28 29 ; do echo kanava $x qdbus org.kde.kaffeine /Television PlayChannel $x sleep 8 done done
rm -R $HOME/puppeli mkdir $HOME/puppeli find . -regex ".*[(\.epub)|(\.EPUB)]" | while read fn; do echo cp $fn $HOME/puppeli cp "$fn" $HOME/puppeli done
rm -R /home/tnoko/kakki mkdir /home/tnoko/kakki numero=10000 find . -regex ".*[(\.JPG)|(\.MP4)|(\.jpg)|(\.mp4)|(\.mov)|(\.avi)]" | while read fn; do if [ -d "$fn" ] ; then echo Vitut "$fn" else # echo "$fn" aa=$(echo "$fn" | tr " " "_") eka=$(basename "$aa") p=$(pwd) zaka="$p/${fn:2}" echo ln -s "$zaka" /home/tnoko/kakki/"$numero"_"$eka" ln -s "$zaka" /home/tnoko/kakki/"$numero"_"$eka" # ln -s "$fn" /home/tnoko/kakki/"$numero"_"$eka" # ln -s $p/${fn:1} /home/tnoko/kakki/$eka numero=$((numero+1)) # sleep 1 fi done cd /home/tnoko/kakki for x in * ; do # iik=$(stat -L -c %Y $x) # aak=${x: -4} # echo $x $iik$aak # mv $x $iik$aak iik=$(exiftool $x | grep "Create Date") aak=${iik: -20} aak2=${aak//:/} aak3=${aak2//\ /} echo $x $aak3$typ typ=${x: -4} if [ "$aak3" == "" ] then echo PASKA else mv $x $aak3$typ fi done #sanity.pl -l *
ffmpeg -i "$1" -c:v libx264 -f avi -crf 27 "$1.avi" #ffmpeg -i "$1" -i "$2" -c:v libx264 -c:a copy -f avi -crf 27 "$1.avi"
#!/usr/bin/python import virtkey import time # This Example Presses the spacebar once every second for a minute KeyEmulator=virtkey.virtkey() v=virtkey.virtkey() def press(keyname): # 'press_unicode()' emulates the key being pressed down # ord() converts the character to it's unicode value KeyEmulator.press_unicode(ord(keyname)) # The key stays pressed down until you tell virtkey to release # it with the 'release_unicode()' function. note: you have to specify # which key to release with the unicode value again KeyEmulator.release_unicode(ord(keyname)) for i in range(60): # Presses the key v.press_keycode(116) v.release_keycode(116) # Wait 1 second time.sleep(1)
convert $1 -channel red -normalize -channel green -normalize -channel blue -normalize norm-$1 mv $1 vanha-$1 mv norm-$1 $1
play -c2 -n synth whitenoise band -n 50 24 band -n 300 100 gain +18
wid=$(identify -format "%w" $1) hei=$(identify -format "%h" $1) newwid=$[$wid/$2] newhei=$[$newwid*100/133] echo $wid $hei $newwid $newhei convert $1 -crop "$newwid"x"$newhei" +repage -scale 1330x1000 -extent 1330x1000 \ -bordercolor "#808080" -border 6x5 zzile%d.bmp #for x in zzile* ; do convert $x -rotate 90 $x.ps ; done
pactl -- set-sink-volume 0 200%
#!/usr/bin/python import os, time from Tkinter import * Antenni= { "Bassoradio": 102800000, "Iskelma": 96200000, "Jarviradio": 105500000, "Radio Aalto": 92500000, "Radio Dei": 89000000, "Radio Helsinki": 88600000, "Radio KLF": 100000000, "Radio Nova": 106200000, "Radio Rock": 94900000, "Radio SuomiPOP": 98100000, "The Voice": 104600000, "YLE Radio 1": 87900000, "YLE Radio Extrem (X3M)": 98900000, "YLE Radio Peili": 103700000, "YLE Radio Suomi": 94000000, "YLE Radio Vega": 101100000, "YleX": 91900000 } Welho = { "Groove FM": 105500000, "Iskelma": 89400000, "NRJ": 93200000, "Radio Aalto": 98000000, "Radio City": 103000000, "Radio Dei": 101900000, "Radio Helsinki": 104000000, "Radio Rock": 99700000, "Radio Sputnik": 98700000, "Radio Suomipop": 103500000, "Rondo FM": 106700000, "The Voice": 101500000, "YLE Mondo": 107300000, "YLE Puhe": 102300000, "YLE Radio 1": 92300000, "YLE Radio Suomi": 88400000, "YLE Radio Vega": 89900000, "YLE Radio X3M": 97000000, "YLEX": 95600000 } record = False Lahde = Welho Taajuus = "YLE Mondo" def kana2(): os.system("killall rtl_fm") time.sleep(1) iik=str(Taajuus).replace(" ","") if record: reco=" tee $HOME/" + iik + ".raw |" reco2=" : Record" else: reco = "" reco2= "" systemstr= "rtl_fm -f " + str(Lahde[Taajuus]) + \ " -W -o 1 -s 200k -r 64k -A fast |"\ + reco + \ " aplay -r 32k -f S16_LE -t raw -c 2 &" print systemstr os.system(systemstr) text.insert(END, str(Taajuus)+": "+str(Lahde[Taajuus]/1000000.)+reco2+"\n") text.pack() def wkanava(x): global Lahde global Taajuus Lahde = Welho Taajuus = x kana2() def akanava(x): global Lahde global Taajuus Lahde = Antenni Taajuus = x kana2() def dorec(): global record record = not record if record: text.insert(END,"Record ON\n") else: text.insert(END,"Record OFF\n") text.pack() kana2() def loppu(): os.system("killall rtl_fm") root.quit() def gqrx(): os.system("killall rtl_fm") os.system("gqrx") root.quit() root = Tk() root.title("RTL-SDR") text = Text(root,width=50,height=20) menu = Menu(root) welhomenu = Menu(menu) menu.add_cascade(label="Welho", menu=welhomenu) for x in Welho: welhomenu.add("command", label=x, command=lambda y=x: wkanava(y)) antennimenu = Menu(menu) menu.add_cascade(label="Antenni", menu=antennimenu) for x in Antenni: antennimenu.add("command", label=x, command=lambda y=x: akanava(y)) menu.add_command(label="Record", command=dorec) menu.add_command(label="Gqrx", command=gqrx) menu.add_command(label="Exit", command=loppu) root.config(menu=menu) mainloop()