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Search Result 4
From: Timo Noko (noko@tnvsu1.tele.nokia.fi)
Subject: Ethnic joke
Newsgroups: eunet.jokes
View: Complete Thread (2 articles) | Original Format
Date: 1989-12-01 04:27:40 PST
 Introduction: When I was about 5 years old, we used to have
     quite definite ideas about our fellow europeans.  There was a
     bunch of hilarious jokes, which all started like "Norman, Swede,
     Russian and a Finn went to Sauna, and ...".  The following was
     the most popular daycare-center-joke in 1950's. A real
     belly-acher, no doubt about it:

    A Norman, Swede, Russian and a Finn went to a farting contest.
    Finn had a board full of holes, which he positioned against his
    buttocks and farted. "From which hole did the strongest smell
    arise?" asked the brave son of Vainamoinen.

    "From the biggest hole", answered the Norman.  "From the one in
    the middle", answered the Russian.  "Interesting Smell, anyhow",
    said the Swede.

    The Finn then laughed in mocking manner, and concluded the
    following: "The acriest smell did not come from a hole in the
    board, it came from my ASSHOLE, you assholes"....

   Sober up!                       :   Timo Noko 
  Send Your Flasks to:             :   Aleksis Kiven Katu 76A12
                                   :   Helsinki  SF-00520

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